There’s a Baby Boom at Bravo!

The United States “Baby Boom” took place between 1946 and 1964. At Bravo Group, it’s happening now.
Currently, six of the firm’s roughly 40 employees are either expecting a baby or have recently celebrated a birth in their family. That’s 15% of the company!
Although the definition of a baby boom varies across the Internet, some sources define it as occurring when the annual birth rate in a given location exceeds two births per 100 people (2%).
Whether or not birth rate—as opposed to overall number of births—can be used to evaluate a baby boom is debated, but regardless, by this standard you can see that Bravo is indeed booming loud with babies.
Below, we’ve featured some of Bravo’s employees and share with you their excitement upon becoming parents.
Kim Whetsell
Due date: January 29, 2013
Gender: Boy
Name: Maxwell Jacob Whetsell
On being part of the BBB (Bravo Baby Boom): I send messages to the other girls when I find cute nursery ideas or sales.
Quote: I’m excited to become a parent, but naturally, I’m nervous for the unexpected.
Danielle Gross
Due date: End of January, 2013
Gender: Boy
Name: We are 90% sure on a name. The baby’s initials will be L. H., which is a family tradition for the men in his family.
On being part of the BBB: It’s been fun to be due so close to Kim Whetsell. Since we both are having boys we’re swapping tips, links to cute clothes, that kind of thing.
Quote: Though Kim doesn’t have to deal with one big issue that I have – my husband is an Eagles fan and I am a Steelers fan. He’s vehemently opposed to his child wearing any Steelers gear, ever.  But I do the laundry…
Chris Getman
Wife’s due date: February 9, 2013
Gender: Boy
Name: Still undecided, but have it down to 2-3 choices.
On being part of the BBB: This being my second child, we talk about expectations and products like furniture, etc.
Quote: Another kid means less sleep than I get now.
Fun fact: There is a very good chance our son could be born on his sister’s birthday two years to the day.
Jennifer Riley
Due date: December, 24, 2012
Gender: Surprise!
Names: Reese (girl), undecided if it’s a boy.
On being part of the BBB: There’s something in the water…
Quote: This is the scariest, craziest, most amazing thing that I have ever done. Also, I really don’t think that it is fair that I am held responsible for anything I say during my third trimester.
 Brad Cary
Newborns: Giulianna & Gianna (identical twin girls!)
Birthday: September 9, 2011
On being part of the BBB: This is what happens when your firm’s average age is under 40.
Quote: The day of my daughters’ birth was the happiest day of my life.
Fun fact: Not only do twins make up 1% of the total population, but identical twins make up 1% of the twin population.
Brad Cary's twin daughters put the OO in boom.
Brad Cary’s twin daughters put the OO in boom.
Megan Dapp
Newborn: Brinley Christine
Birthday: June 31, 2012
On being part of the BBB: I feel like I was the pre-boom, but I got things rolling. I like to tell all the girls at Bravo about all the icky pregnancy details. I do not think I was fully prepared so I’ve made it my mission to manage expectations with our expectant mommas!
Quote: Being a new parent, especially a working parent, can be somewhat stressful, but I definitely feel like my kids make me more fulfilled and complete.
 –Will Dodds

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